Hoxton Gin

Buy Hoxton Gin – £27.25

It’s been said that Bombay Sapphire might be a suitable gin to start vodka drinkers on, as it’s light and very subtle. It appears that Hoxton Gin may have taken this one step further, with a gin that your malibu totting friends will love.

Hoxton Gin
Developed by, Andy Pearson & (We got that bit wrong), Gerry Calabrese (of the Hoxton Pony), and originally slated to be called CP Gin, it’s a gin that has coconut, tarragon, iris and grapefruit amongst its botanicals. It’s available at The Whisky Exchange – Hoxton Gin for £27.25.

It’s not one I’ve had the chance to taste, but it seems to certainly polarise opinion and I’d suggest you try it before you buy it!


  1. I tasted it at Gerry’s. Very strange: predominantly coconut and the grapefruit comes through too. Not sure I picked up on iris. I find it a bit cloying and it feels like drinking perfume, but it’s not foul—it’s just not gin. (What I now call the Brockman’s Syndrome.)

  2. DB Smith says:

    Nice little summary, I look forward to hearing more. Hopefully there will be something at the Juniper society, it a very an usually tasting product and I keen to find out their angle.

  3. Neil says:

    I’ll update the post, as I got the opportunity (for want of a better word) to try it at Graphic recently.

  4. Gin Reviews says:

    We couldn’t access their website, even after multiple tries.


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by YetAnotherGin, Aaron K. Aaron K said: RT @YetAnotherGin: Latest Post: Hoxton Gin http://dlvr.it/FZgsX // sounds more like a rum than a gin. I'd love to try it though. [...]

  2. [...] I’ve compared Hoxton Gin, one of the newest gins on the market, to Malibu. This was mainly due to the coconut being such a [...]

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